Joey Scouts

Joey Scouts are invited to attend OneCamp 2023 for two nights from Monday 17 April till Wednesday 19 April 2023. A coach will collect metropolitan Joey Scouts from designated pick-up points across Perth on Monday morning and return them to the same point on Wednesday afternoon. Travel for Joey Scouts based in regional Western Australia may be on Sunday 16 April 2023 and Thursday 20 April 2023.

Joey Scouts will camp in a OneCamp Unit, consisting of other youth members and adult Leaders from their Scout Group and at least one other Scout Group. Discover more about OneCamp Units here 

Program elements

Joey Scouts will tackle six onsite program elements during the OneCamp 2023 experience. 

Challenge Zones

Onsite activities focused on a Challenge Area of Outdoor, Personal Growth, Creative or Community. Activities could include colour run, OneCamp MasterChef, teamwork challenges, escape rooms, and inflatable slides.

Outdoor Adventure Skills Zones

Onsite adventure-based activities with experienced participants leading less experienced participants. Activities could include canoeing, cycling, abseiling, flying fox, high ropes, and rafting.

Special Interest Area Zones

Onsite activity zones focused on STEM, innovation, sport, arts, literature, environment, and creating a better world. Activities could include drone flying, interactive virtual reality, photograph, archery, air rockets, theatre sports, connecting with Scouts over radio, and an International Scouting showcase.


Evening entertainment with different spaces for all ages including live music, silent discos, chill zones, outdoor movies, comedy shows, finale party, magic shows, and Scouts’ Got Talent.

One Program Day

The culmination of OneCamp is the One Program Day on Tuesday 18 April 2023. All age sections onsite with activities such as market day, district showcases, and a big night of evening entertainment for everyone! The Swan Valley site will be buzzing as we welcome hundreds of visitors to promote Scouts WA.


Quiet, relaxed spaces for Scouts to take a break, meet new friends, buy merch, get the latest news, connect with home, and grab a snack from a food truck.

Sample schedule

Check out the graphic below to see a sample Joey Scout program for OneCamp 2023 – Eclipse!

Day 1
Monday 17 April

Travel to Swan Valley

Outdoor Adventure
Skills Zone

Outdoor movie

Day 2
Tuesday 18 April

Challenge Zone

One Program Day

Live music show

Day 3
Wednesday 19 April

Special Interest Area Zone

Travel home



Be a registered member of the Joey Scout section at the time of OneCamp 2023.


Have completed the Introduction to the Joey Scout Section.


Have the support of the Unit Council to attend OneCamp 2023 as a Joey Scout.

Event fee

The cost for Joey Scouts is $230. At less than $100 a day that’s great value, especially compared to similar commercially available experiences. The fee includes:


Be a registered member of the Joey Scout section at the time of OneCamp 2023.
Have completed the Introduction to the Joey Scout Section.
Aim to have achieved Outdoor Adventure Skills Camping Stage 1.

see you in the Swan Valley for OneCamp 2026 – Discover in:


11-18 April 2026